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//$(this).attr("src", "/img/icons/checked.gif"); $(this).attr({ src: '/img/icons/checked.gif' }); $(".tooltip").html('you like ' + this.name); //alert ( value ); //if (confirm(this.title + ' in dialog zetten & adden in dBase als favorite met nr ' + this.id)) { //add like to dBase here *** WORKING *** $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : '/include/process/like_brands.php', dataType : 'json', data: { main_memberID: $('#main_memberID').val(), like_section: $('#like_section').val(), like_id: this.id, }, success: function(){ //alert( 'You have just clicked '+event.target.id+' image'); }, error: function(){ //alert('failure'); } }); // end .ajax //} // end confirm check }); /* MUSIC $('.like_music').live("hover", function (event) { $(".tooltip").html('like ' + this.name); }); */ $('.like_music').live("click", function (event) { var value = $(this).attr ( "id" ); //$(this).attr("src", "/img/icons/checked.gif"); $(this).attr({ src: '/img/icons/checked.gif' }); /*----------------------- OMBOUWEN NAAR TITLE CHANGE ie: $('.liked_music' + id).attr('title', 'you like ' + this.name); */ $(".tooltip").html('you like ' + this.name); //alert ( value ); //if (confirm(this.title + ' in dialog zetten & adden in dBase als favorite met nr ' + this.id)) { //add like to dBase here *** WORKING *** $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : '/include/process/like_music.php', dataType : 'json', data: { main_memberID: $('#main_memberID').val(), like_section: $('#like_section').val(), like_id: this.id, }, success: function(){ //alert( 'You have just clicked '+event.target.id+' image'); }, error: function(){ //alert('failure'); } }); // end .ajax //} // end confirm check }); /* RELEASES */ $('.like_releases').live("click", function (event) { /*$('.like_releases').click(function (event) { */ var value = $(this).attr ( "id" ); //$(this).attr("src", "/img/icons/checked.gif"); $(this).attr({ src: '/img/icons/checked.gif' }); $(".tooltip").html('you like ' + this.name); //alert ( value ); //if (confirm(this.title + ' in dialog zetten & adden in dBase als favorite met nr ' + this.id)) { //add like to dBase here *** WORKING *** $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : '/include/process/like_releases.php', dataType : 'json', data: { main_memberID: $('#main_memberID').val(), like_section: $('#like_section').val(), like_id: this.id, }, success: function(){ //alert( 'You have just clicked '+event.target.id+' image'); }, error: function(){ //alert('failure'); } }); // end .ajax //} // end confirm check }); /* RELEASES */ $('.like_tracks').live("click", function (event) { /*$('.like_tracks').click(function (event) { */ var value = $(this).attr ( "id" ); //$(this).attr("src", "/img/icons/checked.gif"); $(this).attr({ src: '/img/icons/checked.gif' }); $(".tooltip").html('you like ' + this.name); //alert ( value ); //if (confirm(this.title + ' in dialog zetten & adden in dBase als favorite met nr ' + this.id)) { //add like to dBase here *** WORKING *** $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : '/include/process/like_releases_tracks.php', dataType : 'json', data: { main_memberID: $('#main_memberID').val(), like_section: $('#like_section').val(), like_id: this.id, }, success: function(){ //alert( 'You have just clicked '+event.target.id+' image'); }, error: function(){ //alert('failure'); } }); // end .ajax //} // end confirm check }); $('.rel_vid_still').click(function(){ var vidItems = $(this).attr('data'); vidItems = vidItems.split('^'); var addr = vidItems[0]; var type = vidItems[1]; var dataString = 'ref='+ addr + '&type=' + type; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/release.video.play.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ $("#vidscr").html(data); }, error : function(data) { } }); }); /* more methods */ $(function() { $('.addMethods').live("click",function() { var ID = $(this).attr("id"); if(ID) { $("#moreMethods"+ID).html(''); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/education/inc_methods_more.php", data: "lastmsg="+ ID, cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#append_methods"+ID).append(html); $("#moreMethods"+ID).remove(); // removing old more button } }); } else { $(".morebox").html('
No more artists found
');// no results } return false; }); }); /* MEMBERS ==========*/ /* TOPBAR MESSAGE CENTER ========================*/ $('#ud_mss').live("click", function (event) { $('#top_mss').toggle(); }); $(document).on( "click", "#mss_nxt", function() { var mss = $(this).attr ("data-name"); mss = mss.split('-'); var mssID = mss[0]; var currKey = mss[1]; var dataString = 'mssID='+ mssID + '&currKey=' + currKey; //alert(dataString); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/inc.userdata_profile.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ //alert(data); $(".mpopup-main").html(data); if(data == 1) { $(".like_member").attr({ src: '/img/icons/checked.gif' }); $(".tooltip").html('you like ' + mName); } if(data == 2) { //alert('errrrrrrrrrror'); } }, error : function(data) {} }) }); /* *** ON TOPBAR ACTIONS */ $(document).on( "click", "#mss_go", function() { var hasError = hasError; var mss = $(this).attr ("data-name"); mss = mss.split('-'); var mss_id = mss[0]; var mss_cat = mss[1]; var mss_val = mss[2]; if(mss_id == "1") {alert('1');} /* set acc type */ if(mss_id == "2") {alert('2'); /* set school name*/ if(mss_val == "2") { hasError = true; } /* set PERSONAL school name*/ if(mss_cat == "udc_m_comp_name" && mss_val == "1") { var mss_cat_val = "-"; } /* set OFFICIAL school name*/ if(mss_cat == "udc_m_comp_name" && mss_val == "2") { $('#udc_m_comp_name-entry').show(); } if(mss_cat == "udc_m_comp_name_entry" && mss_val == "3") { var mss_cat_val = $('#udc_m_comp_name_submit').val(); //alert('catclick' + ' :' + mss_cat_val); if(mss_cat_val == '') { hasError = true; $('#udc_m_comp_name_submit').val('').css({'background':'yellow'}); } } } if(mss_id == "3") {//alert('3'); } /* set LOCATION */ if(mss_cat == "udc_address" && mss_val == "1") { var valid = valid; $('.validatefield').each(function() { if ($(this).val() == '') { $(this).css({'background':'yellow'}); valid = true; hasError = true; } }); if(valid == undefined) { var ud_street = $('#ud_street').val(); var ud_postal = $('#ud_postal').val(); var ud_city = $('#ud_city').val(); var ud_country = $('#ud_country').val(); var mss_cat_val = ud_street+'^'+ud_postal+'^'+ud_city+'^'+ud_country; } //alert(mss_cat_val); } if(mss_id == "4") { var mss_cat_val = $('#udc_link').val(); if(mss_cat_val == '') { hasError = true; $('#udc_link').val('').css({'background':'yellow'}); } else { //alert(mss_cat_val); /** TO DO **/ } } var dataString = 'mss_id='+ mss_id + '&mss_cat='+ mss_cat + '&mss_val=' + mss_val + '&mss_cat_val=' + mss_cat_val; //alert(dataString); if(hasError == undefined) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/inc.userdata_profile.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ //alert(data); $("#top_mss").html(data); if(data == 1) { $(".like_member").attr({ src: '/img/icons/checked.gif' }); $(".tooltip").html('you like ' + mName); } if(data == 2) { //alert('errrrrrrrrrror'); } }, error : function(data) { //alert('errrrrrrrrrror'); } }) } }); /* ========================= END TOPBAR MESSAGE CENTER */ $('.like_member').live("click", function (event) { var value = $(this).attr ( "id" ); var mName = $(this).attr ( "name" ); var dataString = 'like_id='+ value; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/like_member.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ if(data == 1) { $(".like_member").attr({ src: '/img/icons/checked.gif' }); $(".tooltip").html('you like ' + mName); } if(data == 2) { //alert('errrrrrrrrrror'); } }, error : function(data) { } }); }); /* LOGIN / REGISTER */ /* login */ $("#log_username").blur(function() { hasError = true; var username_length; username_length = $("#log_username").val().length; $("#err_username").empty(); if (username_length < 4) $("#err_username").append("Your username is not save because it is too short."); $('#login').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (username_length > 3) $('#login').removeAttr('disabled'); }); $("#log_pwd").blur(function() { hasError = true; var username_length; username_length = $("#log_pwd").val().length; $("#err_pwd").empty(); if (username_length < 6) $("#err_pwd").append("Password is too short"); $('#login').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (username_length > 5) { $('#login').removeAttr('disabled').focus(); } }); $(document).keyup(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { $("#form_login").submit(); } }); /* in page*/ $('#login_page').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(".regerror").hide(); var hasError = hasError; var userVal = $("#log_username_p").val(); var passVal = $("#log_pwd_p").val(); if(userVal == '') { hasError = true; $("#log_username_p").after('
Enter your username
'); $("#log_username_p").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } if($("#log_username_p").val() != "") { var username_length; username_length = $("#log_username_p").val().length; if (username_length < 4) hasError = true; } if(passVal == '') { hasError = true; $("#log_pwd_p").after('
Enter your password
'); $("#log_pwd_p").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } if($("#log_pwd_p").val() != "") { var username_length; pwd_length = $("#log_pwd_p").val().length; if (pwd_length < 6) hasError = true; } if (hasError == undefined) { $(this).closest('form').trigger('submit'); } else { //alert('i cant go in!'); } }); /* recover */ if ($('body#recover').length){ var resUsernameVal = $("#reset_username").val(); var resNameVal = $("#reset_name").val(); $('.login').each(function() { $(this).css("color","#CCC"); var default_value = this.value; $(this).focus(function() { $(this).css("color","black"); if(this.value == default_value) { this.value = ''; } }); $(this).blur(function() { $(this).css("color","#CCC"); $("#reset_search").not('click').click(function(e) { if(this.value == '') { this.value = default_value; } }); }); }); $("#reset_username").blur(function() { hasError = true; var username_length; username_length = $("#reset_username").val().length; if (username_length < 4) $("#err_username").append("Give a proper email or name"); $('#reset_name').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $(this).blur(function() { $('#login').removeAttr('disabled'); }); }); $("#reset_username").click(function() { $("#reset_username").val(''); $('#reset_username').focus(); $("#reset_name").val(''); $('#reset_name').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $("#reset_username").blur(function() { $('#reset_username').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#reset_name').removeAttr('disabled'); }); }); $("#reset_name").click(function() { $("#reset_name").val(''); $('#reset_name').focus(); $("#reset_username").val(''); $('#reset_username').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $("#reset_name").blur(function() { $('#reset_username').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#reset_name').removeAttr('disabled'); }); }); $("#reset_search").click(function(e) { var newUsernameVal = $("#reset_username").val(); var newNameVal = $("#reset_name").val(); if(resUsernameVal === newUsernameVal || resNameVal === newNameVal) { $("#err_reset").show(); e.preventDefault(); } if(resUsernameVal != newUsernameVal || resNameVal != newNameVal) { $("#err_reset").hide(); e.preventDefault(); var dataString = 'newUsernameVal='+ newUsernameVal + '&newNameVal=' + newNameVal; if(newUsernameVal == '' && newNameVal == '') { $("#err_reset").show(); } else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/recover.inc.php", data: dataString, dataType:'json', success: function(data) { $('#err_recover').fadeIn(200).show(); if(data.active == "N") { var error_active = '1'; var suck = '--Not active'; } if(data.active == "J") { var error_active = '0'; var suck = ''; } if(data.email != undefined && data.active == "J") { $('.log_error').hide(); $("#err_recover").html( 'We found an account that matches your search on this email: ' + data.email + '' + '

Is this your current email address?' + '

Yes, this is me!

You have to confirm this is you. You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password.' + '
' + '

No, I don\'t use this email address anymore.

' + '
Sorry, but we cannot reset your account when you don\'t have acces to an out-of-use mail account.' + '

The good news is that you can re-register here with your current email or through Facebook. You can then add other email addresses as well, so you will never lose access again.' + '

' ); } if(data.email != undefined && data.active == "N") { $('.log_error').hide(); $("#err_recover").html( 'We found an account but it is not activated yet: ' + data.email + '' + '

Is this your current email address?' + '

password Yes, this is me!

You have to confirm this is you. You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password.' + '
' + '

No, this is not my current email address.

' + '
Sorry, but we cannot reset your account when you don\'t have acces to an out-of-use mail account.' + '

The good news is that you can re-register here with your current email. You can then add other email addresses as well, so you will never lose access again.' ); } if(data.email == undefined) { $("#err_recover").html('

There is no account matching your search.

Please use your email, full name or screen name.
'); } } }); } } }); $('#reset_pass').live('click',function(){ var mail = $(this).attr('data'); if(!$('#confirm_acc').is(':checked')) { $(".regerror").hide(); $("#reset_pass").after('
Check the radio button to confirm this is you.
'); } if($('#confirm_acc').is(':checked')) { var resetGo = "1"; var dataString = 'mail='+ mail; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/recover.send.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(){ $("#err_recover").html( '

Alright! An email has been sent to your email address.

' + '

ps. Your username is in the email as well. You\'re almost ready to connect to drummerszone again.

' ); } }); } }); $('#reset_pass_val').live('click',function(){ $(".regerror").hide(); var ccode = $("#ccode").val(); var caddr = $("#caddr").val(); var code = $("#code").val(); var addr = $("#addr").val(); var reg_p1_new = $("#reg_p1_new").val(); var reg_p2_new = $("#reg_p2_new").val(); var hasError = hasError; var passwordsVal = $("#reg_p1_new, #reg_p2_new").val(); if(passwordsVal == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_p1_new, #reg_p2_new").after('

Enter your password.

'); } else if ($("#reg_p1_new").val() != $("#reg_p2_new").val()) { hasError = true; $("#reg_p1_new, #reg_p2_new").after('

Your passwords do not match.

'); } password1_length = reg_p1_new.length; if(reg_p1_new != '' && password1_length < 6) { hasError = true; $("#reg_p1_new").after('
A password has a minimum of 6 characters.
'); } if (hasError == undefined) { var dataString = 'ccode='+ ccode + '&caddr=' + caddr + '&code=' + code + '&addr=' + addr + '®_p1_new=' + reg_p1_new + '®_p2_new=' + reg_p2_new; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/recover.set_pass.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ if(data == 1) { $(".log_error").html( 'You have succesfully reset your password. You can now log in to Drummerszone.com.' + '

ps. Your username is in the email we sent you.

' ); } } }); } }); } /* register forms + EXTERNAL LOGIN ===========*/ $('#fb_login_img').click(function() { $(".fb_login_upd").show(); }); $('input').focus(function() { if ($(this).val() != "" && $(this).val() == $(this).data("DefaultText")) $(this).val(""); }).blur(function(){ if ($(this).val() == "") $(this).val($(this).data("DefaultText")); }); $('input[type=radio][name=reg_type]').change(function() { if (this.value == '1') { $('#regfieldComp').hide(); $('#regfieldTeacher').show(); } if (this.value == '2') { $('#regfieldComp').show(); $('#regfieldTeacher').hide(); } }); $('input:text, input:password').focus( function(){ $(this).css({'background':'white', color : '#333'}); $('.regerror').hide(); }); $('#reg_submit').click(function(){ $("input[type='text']").css({'background':'white', color : '#333'}); $(".regerror").remove(); $("#msgbox").hide(); $(".dateerror").remove(); var hasError = hasError; var reg_type = $('#acc_type :radio:checked').val(); var reg_comp = $("#reg_comp").val(); var reg_fn = $("#reg_fn").val(); var reg_ln = $("#reg_ln").val(); var reg_sex = $('#acc_sex :radio:checked').val(); var reg_day = $("#reg_day").val(); var reg_month = $("#reg_month").val(); var reg_year = $("#reg_year").val(); var date = $('#reg_year').val() + '-' + $('#reg_month').val() + '-' + $('#reg_day').val(); var reg_email1 = $("#reg_email1").val(); var reg_email2 = $("#reg_email2").val(); var reg_password1 = $("#reg_password1").val(); var reg_password2 = $("#reg_password2").val(); var dataString = 'reg_type='+ reg_type + '®_comp=' + reg_comp + '®_fn=' + reg_fn + '®_ln=' + reg_ln + '®_email1=' + reg_email1 + '®_email2=' + reg_email2 + '®_password1=' + reg_password1 + '®_password2=' + reg_password2 + '®_sex=' + reg_sex + '®_month=' + reg_month + '®_day=' + reg_day + '®_year=' + reg_year + '&date=' + date; if (!$("input[type=radio][name='reg_sex']:checked").val()) { hasError = true; $(".formE#sexe").html('
Please select male or female
'); } var selected = $("input[type='radio'][name='reg_type']:checked"); if (selected.length == 0) { selectedVal = selected.val(); $(".formE#reg_type").html('
Select a page
'); $(".reg_type").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } if ($("#reg_type2:checked").val()) { if(reg_comp == '') { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_compE").html('
Give your school / institute name
'); $("#reg_comp").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } } if(reg_fn == '') { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_fn").html('
Give your first name
'); $("#reg_fn").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } if(reg_ln == '') { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_ln").html('
Give your last name
'); $("#reg_ln").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } var specialChars = "<>@!#$%^&*()_+[]{}?:;|\"\\,./~=" var check = function(string){ for(i = 0; i < specialChars.length;i++) { if(string.indexOf(specialChars[i]) > -1) { return true } } return false; } if(check(reg_fn) == false) { } else { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_fn").html('
Please refrain from special characters in your name
'); $("#reg_fn").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } if(check(reg_ln) == false) { } else { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_ln").html('
Please refrain from special characters in your name
'); $("#reg_ln").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } if(reg_month == '' || reg_day == '' || reg_year == '') { hasError = true; $("#err_date").html('
Enter your birthday
'); } else { var date = $('#reg_year').val() + '-' + $('#reg_month').val() + '-' + $('#reg_day').val(); $("#err_date").hide();} var age = 13; var mydate = new Date(); mydate.setFullYear(reg_year, reg_month-1, reg_day); var currdate = new Date(); currdate.setFullYear(currdate.getFullYear() - age); if ((currdate - mydate) < 0) { $("#err_date").fadeTo(50,0.1,function() { $(this).html('Childeren under 13 must have parental approval to sign up.').addClass('messageboxerror').fadeTo(200,1); }); } else { } var emailReg = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/; var emailaddressVal = $("#reg_email1, #reg_email2").val(); if(emailaddressVal == '') { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_email1E, .formE#reg_email2E").html('
Invalid email. This is also your username on Drummerszone.
'); $("#reg_email1, #reg_email2").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } else if(!emailReg.test(emailaddressVal)) { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_email1E, .formE#reg_email2E").html('
Invalid email
'); $("#reg_email1, #reg_email2").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } else if ($("#reg_email1").val() != $("#reg_email2").val()) { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_email1E, .formE#reg_email2E").html('
The emails don\'t match.
'); $("#reg_email1, #reg_email2").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } var passwordsVal = $("#reg_password1").val(); if(passwordsVal == '') { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_password1").html('
Enter your password
'); $("#reg_password1").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } password1_length = reg_password1.length; if(reg_password1 != '' && password1_length < 6) { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_password1").html('
A password has a minimum of 6 characters
'); $("#reg_password1").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } if(passwordsVal == emailaddressVal) { hasError = true; $(".formE#reg_password1").html('
Give a unique password
'); $("#reg_password1").css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } /* var passwordsVal = $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").val(); if(passwordsVal == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").after('
Enter your password
').css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } else if ($("#reg_password1").val() != $("#reg_password2").val()) { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").after('
Your passwords do not match
').css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } password1_length = reg_password1.length; if(reg_password1 != '' && password1_length < 6) { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1").after('

A password has a minimum of 6 characters
').css({'background':'yellow', color : '#333'}); } */ if (hasError == undefined) { //alert(dataString + ' ' + hasError); if (emailaddressVal != '' && ($("#reg_email1").val() == $("#reg_email2").val())) { $("#msgbox").removeClass().addClass('messagebox').text('Checking email...').fadeIn("slow"); $.post("/include/process/reg.checkusername.inc.php",{ reg_email1:reg_email1 } ,function(data) { if(data=='used') { hasError = true; $("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() { $(this).html('Username/email "' + reg_email1 + '" is already in use.').addClass('messageboxerror').fadeTo(900,1); $("#reg_email1, #reg_email2").val(""); }); } if(data=='no') { hasError = true; $("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() { $(this).html('Username/email "' + reg_email1 + '" is not possible.').addClass('messageboxerror').fadeTo(900,1); $("#reg_email1, #reg_email2").val(""); }); } else if(data=='yes') { $("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() { $(this).html('Email/username approved.').addClass('messageboxok').fadeTo(900,1); }); /* INSERT NEW MEMBER */ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/reg.newmember.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ /*alert('yay!' + ' ' + data);*/ $('.reg_succes').fadeIn(200).show(); $('.regerror').fadeOut(200).hide(); $('#regform').fadeOut(200).hide('slow'); } }); } }); } } else { /*alert('hasallError');*/ } return false; if(hasError ===false) { /*alert('hasallError');*/ } }); if ($('body#signup').length){ if ($('#reg_xval,#reg_cval').length){ var reg_xcode = $("#reg_xval").val(); var reg_ccode = $("#reg_cval").val(); var dataString = 'val_ccode='+ reg_ccode + '&val_xcode=' + reg_xcode; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/reg.newmember_val.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ /*alert('all data: ' + dataString);*/ if (data == ''){ $('.showValid').show(); } if (data != ''){ $('.showError').show(); } }, error: function(data){ $('.showError').show(); } }); } } if ($('body#fblogin').length){ $('#extsubmit').live('click',function(){ $(".ext_regerror").remove(); var hasError = hasError; var email = $("#email").val(); var valid = $("#valid").val(); var tmpcode = $("#valcode").val(); var reg_password1 = $("#reg_password1").val(); var reg_password2 = $("#reg_password2").val(); var passwordsVal = $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").val(); if(passwordsVal == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").after('
Enter your password
'); } else if ($("#reg_password1").val() != $("#reg_password2").val()) { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").after('
Your passwords do not match
'); } password1_length = reg_password1.length; if(reg_password1 != '' && password1_length < 6) { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1").after('
A password has a minimum of 6 characters
'); } var dataString = 'email='+ email + '&valid=' + valid + '&tmpcode=' + tmpcode + '®_password1=' + reg_password1; if (hasError == undefined) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/reg.external_val.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ if (data == '1'){ $(".setpwd_loader").show(); $(".ext_submit").hide(); window.location = "http://ont.drummerszone.com/members/settings/" + valid + "/"; } if (data == '2'){ } }, error: function(data){ } }); } }); if ($('#setpwd').length) { $("#overlay-fb, #dialog-fb").show(); $('#reg_password1').focus(); } } /* PASSWORD AND EMAIL CHECK FOR MEMBER ======================================*/ if ($('.kill_nav').length > 0) { $('a').each(function() { $('a').click(function () {return false;}); }); /* re-enable: $('a').unbind('click'); */ $(document).on( "click", ".update_acc", function() { var hasError = hasError; var updateType = $(this).attr('data'); $(".regerror").hide(); var addr = $("#addr").val(); var caddr = $("#caddr").val(); var email1 = $("#email1").val(); var email2 = $("#email2").val(); var reg_p1_new = $("#reg_p1_new").val(); var reg_p2_new = $("#reg_p2_new").val(); var viewName = $("#viewName").val(); if(updateType == "setemail") { var emailsVal = $("#email1, #email2").val(); if(emailsVal == '') { hasError = true; $(".update_acc").after('
Enter your email
'); } else if ($("#email1").val() != $("#email2").val()) { hasError = true; $(".update_acc").after('
Your emails do not match
'); } var emailReg = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/; var mail_new = $("#email1").val(); if(!emailReg.test(mail_new)) { hasError = true; $(".update_acc").after('
Invalid email
'); } var file = '/include/process/member_insert_email.php'; } if(updateType == "screenName") { if(viewName == '') { hasError = true; $(".update_acc").after('
Enter your screen name
'); } var file = '/include/process/member_insert_screen_name.php'; } if(updateType == "passw") { if ($('#viewName').length > 0) { if(viewName == '') { hasError = true; $(".update_acc").after('
Enter your screen name
'); } } /* PASSWORD CHECK */ var passwordsVal = $("#reg_p1_new, #reg_p2_new").val(); if(passwordsVal == '') { hasError = true; $(".update_acc").after('
Enter your password
'); } else if ($("#reg_p1_new").val() != $("#reg_p2_new").val()) { hasError = true; $(".update_acc").after('
Your passwords do not match
'); } password1_length = reg_p1_new.length; if(reg_p1_new != '' && password1_length < 6) { hasError = true; $(".update_acc").after('
A password has a minimum of 6 characters
'); } var file = '/include/process/member_insert_login.php'; } if (hasError == undefined) { var dataString = 'addr='+ addr + '&pass=' + reg_p1_new + '&viewName=' + viewName + '&newMail=' + mail_new; //alert('string' + ' ' + dataString + ' ' + hasError); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: file, data: dataString, success: function(data){ //alert(data); if(data == 1) { $('a').unbind('click'); $(".kill_nav").html( '


You have succesfully updated your account. Have fun on Drummersocial.com!

' ); } if(data == 2) { //alert('major error!' + ' ' + data); } if(data == 3) { $(".update_acc").after('
This screen name is already in use.
'); } if(data == 4) { $(".update_acc").after('
No special characters are allowed. Please use Aa-Zz, 0-9 and underscores or white spaces.
'); } if(data == 5) { $(".update_acc").after('
This email is already in use.
'); } if(data == 6) { $('a').unbind('click'); $(".kill_nav").html( '

Thank you!

You have a message in your mailbox asking you to confirm your email address.

Please, understand we can not give you full access until you confirm this email.

Have fun on Drummerszone.com!

' ); } }, error : function(data) { //alert('major error!' + ' ' + data); } }); } }); } /* END PASSWORD AND EMAIL CHECK FOR MEMBER ======================================*/ /* MODALS ======================================*/ var mpopup = document.getElementById('mpopupBox'); var mpLink = document.getElementById("ud_mss"); var close = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0]; mpLink.onclick = function() { mpopup.style.display = "block"; } close.onclick = function() { mpopup.style.display = "none"; } window.onclick = function(event) { if (event.target == mpopup) { mpopup.style.display = "none"; } } /* end main modal */ /* signUpAlert */ $('.likeSignUp').live('click',function(){ $("#signUpAlert").show(); }); /* load NEWS videos in popDiv */ $('#newsbox_vid').live('click',function(){ var vidbook = $(this).attr('data'); //alert(vidbook); vidbook = vidbook.split('^'); var bookID = vidbook[0]; var mediaID = vidbook[1]; var file = vidbook[2]; var dataString = 'bookID='+ bookID + '&mediaID=' + mediaID + '&file=' + file; $(".vidBox, .vidView").show(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/news/inc.article.videos.overlay.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ $(".vidView").html(data, {}, function(){ }); }, error : function(data) { } }); }); /* load videos in popDiv */ $('#albumbox_vid').live('click',function(){ var vidbook = $(this).attr('data'); vidbook = vidbook.split('-'); var bookID = vidbook[0]; var state = vidbook[1]; var mID = vidbook[2]; var type = vidbook[3]; var dataString = 'bookID='+ bookID + '&state=' + state + '&mID=' + mID; if(bookID != "empty") { $(".vidBox, .vidView").show(); $(".vidView").html('

Validating videos in this channel...

'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/members/inc.videos.profile.album.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ $(".vidView").html(data, {}, function(){ }); }, error : function(data) { } }); } }); /* var myPlayer = videojs("channelplayer"); myPlayer.on("ready",function(){ //alert('The player is ready'); }); myPlayer.on("play",function(){ var vidID = $(this).attr('data-name'); //alert('The video has play' + ' ' + vidID); }); myPlayer.on("ended",function(){ //alert('The video has ended'); }); */ $('html').click(function() { $('.vidBox, .vidView, #signUpAlert, #anx-box,#bnx-box,#mix-box,#avx-box,#aix-box,.contentBox, #popsignup').hide(); var oldPlayer = document.getElementById('jwplayer'); videojs(oldPlayer).dispose(); $('#jwvideo').each(function(){ jwplayer('jwvideo').stop(); $('iframe').attr('src', $('iframe').attr('src')); var action = 1; var dataString = 'call='+ action; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/inc.videos.sessions.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ }, error : function(data) { } }); 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} else if(!email_snd.test(emailaddressVal)) { hasError = true;$("#reg_email2").val('Invalid email'); } if (hasError == undefined) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/sp.mailins.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(){ $("#s_panel").load("/members/inc.s.general.php"); }, error : function(data) { } }); } }); $('#save_contact').live('click',function() { $('.regerror').hide(); var artistNameCount = $("#reg_an").attr('artistname-count'); var artistNameOld = $("#reg_an").attr('artistname-current'); var hasError = hasError; var reg_fn = $("#reg_fn").val(); var reg_ln = $("#reg_ln").val(); var reg_an = $("#reg_an").val(); var reg_anCnt = artistNameCount; var reg_sex = $("#reg_sex").val(); var reg_country = $("#reg_country").val(); var reg_day = $("#reg_day").val(); var reg_month = $("#reg_month").val(); var reg_year = $("#reg_year").val(); var date = $('#reg_year').val() + '-' + $('#reg_month').val() + '-' + $('#reg_day').val(); var reg_address = $("#reg_address").val(); var reg_zip = $("#reg_zip").val(); var reg_city = $("#reg_city").val(); var reg_mobile = $("#reg_mobile").val(); var dataString = 'reg_fn='+ reg_fn + '®_ln=' + reg_ln + '®_an=' + reg_an + '®_anCnt=' + reg_anCnt + '&artistNameOld=' + artistNameOld + '®_sex=' + reg_sex + '®_country=' + reg_country + '®_month=' + reg_month + '®_day=' + reg_day + '®_year=' + reg_year + '&date=' + date + '®_address=' + reg_address + '®_zip=' + reg_zip + '®_city=' + reg_city + '®_mobile=' + reg_mobile; if(reg_fn == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_fn").after('
Give your first name
'); } if(reg_an == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_an").after('
We recommend to use a public profile name. This can be your real name as well.
'); } if(reg_ln == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_ln").after('
Give your last name
'); } if (!$("input[@name='reg_sex']:checked").val()) { hasError = true; $("#sexe").show(); } if ($("input[@name='reg_sex']:checked").val()) { $("#sexe").hide(); } if(reg_country == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_country").after('
Select your country as well.
'); } if(reg_month == '' || reg_day == '' || reg_year == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_year").after('
Enter your birthday.
'); } else { var date = $('#reg_year').val() + '-' + $('#reg_month').val() + '-' + $('#reg_day').val(); $("#err_date").hide();} var age = 13; var mydate = new Date(); mydate.setFullYear(reg_year, reg_month-1, reg_day); var currdate = new Date(); currdate.setFullYear(currdate.getFullYear() - age); if ((currdate - mydate) < 0) { hasError = true; $("#reg_year").after('
You have to be at least 13 years old.
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$('.s_succ').show(); }); } if(data == 2) { } }, error : function(data) { } }); } if(action == 'notification') { /* mnl_id mnl_siteid mnl_memberid mnl_artists artists mnl_brands brands mnl_edu education mnl_music music mnl_media new video & image albums mnl_events events mnl_contests contests mnl_promo promotions mnl_members member likes mnl_main website & legal updates mnl_date mnl_lastdate */ var reg_artists = $('input[id=mnl_artists]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_brands = $('input[id=mnl_brands]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_edu = $('input[id=mnl_edu]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_music = $('input[id=mnl_music]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_media = $('input[id=mnl_media]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_events = $('input[id=mnl_events]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_contests = $('input[id=mnl_contests]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_promo = $('input[id=mnl_promo]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_members = $('input[id=mnl_members]:checked').attr("value"); var reg_main = $('input[id=mnl_main]:checked').attr("value"); 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Enter your current password
'); } var passwordsVal = $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").val(); if(passwordsVal == '') { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").after('
Enter your password
'); } else if ($("#reg_password1").val() != $("#reg_password2").val()) { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1, #reg_password2").after('
Your passwords do not match
'); } password1_length = reg_password1.length; if(reg_password1 != '' && password1_length < 6) { hasError = true; $("#reg_password1").after('

A password has a minimum of 6 characters
'); } if (hasError == undefined) { var dataString = 'reg_password='+ reg_password + '®_password1=' + reg_password1; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/sp.acc.pwd.upd.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ if(data == 1) { $("#s_panel").load("/members/inc.s.account.php", {}, function(){ $('.s_succ').show(); $('.open#'+action).trigger('click'); }); } if(data == 2) { } if(data == 3) { } }, error : function(data) { } }); } }); $('input[id=mp_account]:checked').live('click',function() { var acc_val = $(this).attr('value'); if(acc_val == 1) { $(".s_opt_suspend").slideDown("slow"); $(".s_opt_delete").slideUp("slow"); $(".s_opt_delete_mail").hide(); $('#reg_del').attr('checked', false); $('input[id=reg_susp]:checked').live('click',function() { $(".s_opt_susp_pass").slideDown("slow"); }); } if(acc_val == 2) { $(".s_opt_suspend").slideUp("slow"); $(".s_opt_delete").slideDown("slow"); $(".s_opt_susp_pass").hide(); $('#reg_susp').attr('checked', false); $('input[id=reg_del]:checked').live('click',function() { $(".s_opt_delete_mail").slideDown("slow"); }); } }); $("#s_opt_suspend").live('click',function(){ $(".unpas, .s_opt_susp_err").hide(); if (!$("#reg_susp").is(":checked")) { $("#reg_susp").after('

Confirm your choice.
'); } else { var hasError = hasError; var reg_password = $('#reg_pwdsusp').val(); if(reg_password == '') { hasError = true; $(".s_opt_delete_mail").after('
Enter your current password
'); } var reg_suspend = $("#reg_susp").val(); var dataString = 'reg_suspend='+ reg_suspend + '®_password=' + reg_password; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/sp.acc.susp.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ if(data == 1) { window.location = "?logout=1&status=suspend"; } if(data == 2) { $(".s_opt_susp_err").show('slow'); } }, error : function(data) { } }); } }); $("#s_opt_delete").live('click',function(){ $(".unpas").hide(); if (!$("#reg_del").is(":checked")) { $("#reg_del").after('

Confirm your choice.
'); } else { var hasError = hasError; var reg_password = $('#reg_pwdConf').val(); if(reg_password == '') { hasError = true; $(".s_opt_delete_mail").after('
Enter your current password
'); } var reg_delete = $("#reg_del").val(); var dataString = 'reg_delete='+ reg_delete + '®_password=' + reg_password; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/sp.acc.del.inc.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ if(data == 1) { window.location = "?logout=1&status=delete"; } if(data == 2) { $(".s_opt_delete_err").show('slow'); } if(data == 3) { $(".s_opt_delete_err").show('slow');} }, error : function(data) { } }); } }); } /* VIDEOS HOME */ $(".vhome_block, .viditem").live('click',function(){ var channelVar = $(this).attr('id'); /* alert(channelVar); */ }); $('.svc_main_more').mouseover(function() { $('.svc_main_more').effect("bounce", { times:3 }, 300); }); $('.svc_main_more').click(function() { $('.svc_main_sec').slideDown('slow', function() { $('.svc_main_more').hide('slow'); }); }); var timer = setTimeout(function() { $(".svc_main_more").click(); }, 15000); $(".svc_main_more").click(function(){ clearTimeout(timer); $('.svc_main_sec').slideDown('slow'); }); jQuery(function($){ 'use strict'; // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Basic Navigation // ------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { var $frame = $('#basic'); var $slidee = $frame.children('ul').eq(0); var $wrap = $frame.parent(); // Call Sly on frame $frame.sly({ horizontal: 1, itemNav: 'basic', smart: 1, activateOn: 'click', mouseDragging: 1, touchDragging: 1, releaseSwing: 1, startAt: 0, scrollBar: $wrap.find('.scrollbar'), scrollBy: 1, pagesBar: $wrap.find('.pages'), activatePageOn: 'click', speed: 300, elasticBounds: 1, easing: 'easeOutExpo', dragHandle: 1, dynamicHandle: 1, clickBar: 1, // Buttons forward: $wrap.find('.forward'), backward: $wrap.find('.backward'), prev: $wrap.find('.prev'), next: $wrap.find('.next'), prevPage: $wrap.find('.prevPage'), nextPage: $wrap.find('.nextPage') }); // To Start button $wrap.find('.toStart').on('click', function () { var item = $(this).data('item'); // Animate a particular item to the start of the frame. // If no item is provided, the whole content will be animated. $frame.sly('toStart', item); }); // To Center button $wrap.find('.toCenter').on('click', function () { var item = $(this).data('item'); // Animate a particular item to the center of the frame. // If no item is provided, the whole content will be animated. $frame.sly('toCenter', item); }); // To End button $wrap.find('.toEnd').on('click', function () { var item = $(this).data('item'); // Animate a particular item to the end of the frame. // If no item is provided, the whole content will be animated. $frame.sly('toEnd', item); }); // Add item $wrap.find('.add').on('click', function () { $frame.sly('add', '
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Please try again."); $('#srl_success, .srl_loader').hide(); } }); } return false; }); $(".srl_addRel").live('click',function(){ $(this).tooltip().hide(); var brandID = $(this).attr('id'); var dataString = 'brandID='+ brandID; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/like_releases_live.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ if(data == 1) { $("#s_panel").load("/members/inc.s.likes.main.php", {}, function(){ $("#l_panel").load("/members/inc.s.likes.releases.php", {}, function(){ $("#srl_success").show().html("The release is added to your favorite list."); $this.tooltip().hide(); }); }); } if(data == 2) { } }, error : function(data) { } }); }); /*members*/ $(".searchmem_usr").live('keyup',function(e){ $(this).css('color', '#333'); var searchbox = $(this).val(); var searchbox_length = $(".searchmem_usr").val().length; var dataString = 'searchword='+ searchbox; if(searchbox=='') {} if(searchbox_length > 3) { $('.srl_loader').show(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/search/search.members_live.php", data: dataString, cache: false, success: function(html) { $('#srl_success, .srl_loader').hide(); $("#display_usr").html(html).show(); }, error : function(html) { $("#srl_success").show().html("The search could not be completed. Please try again."); $('#srl_success, .srl_loader').hide(); } }); } return false; }); $(".srl_addMem").live('click',function(){ $(this).tooltip().hide(); var brandID = $(this).attr('id'); var dataString = 'brandID='+ brandID; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/include/process/like_member_live.php", data: dataString, success: function(data){ if(data == 1) { $("#s_panel").load("/members/inc.s.likes.friends.php", {}, function(){ $("#srl_success").show().html("This member is added to your favorite list and showing in your list below."); }); } if(data == 2) { //alert('nope'); } }, error : function(data) { //alert('nope2'); } }); }); /* FORMS */ $('#country').change( function(){ $(this).closest('form').trigger('submit'); /* or: $('#formElementId').trigger('submit'); or: $('#formElementId').submit(); */ }); $('.grid').isotope({ percentPosition: true, itemSelector: '.grid-itemi', masonry: { columnWidth: '.grid-sizer' } }) /* *** EDUCATION *** */ /* store in MEDIA_SESSIONS */ if($("#channelplayer").length > 0) { var getvidid = $('.edu_status').attr('data'); 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